Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Prayer of Hope

P78 of "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire":
“Charles Spurgeon once said that when a jeweler shows his best diamonds, he sets them against a black velvet backdrop. The contrast of the jewels against the dark velvet brings out the luster. In the same way, God does his most stunning work where things seem hopeless. Wherever there is pain, suffering, and desperation, Jesus is. And that’s where his people belong – among those who are vulnerable, who think nobody cares. What better place for the brilliance of Christ to shine?”
Is there anyone going on this journey with us that feels a pang in their spirit when they read this? Does anyone feel a sense of hopelessness right now? Is anyone marked by a pain, suffering, or desperation that seems to overpower every other emotion?

If so, perhaps these words will bring some comfort to you today. God indeed does his most stunning work where things seem hopeless. Maybe this can be your prayer for today:

“God, everything seems hopeless for me right now. I feel surrounded by blackness, by silence, by the despair of my own thoughts. If it is true that wherever there is pain, suffering, and desperation, Jesus is – then I need Jesus now more than ever. God, please shine the brilliance of Christ’s love into my life right now.”

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