Friday, August 29, 2008

Final Entry...

Well, I hope that the blog experience this summer was helpful as we continue our quest to become a community that grows in listening to God in prayer and experiencing His power and love. Since February, when Dr. Brenda Salter-McNeil spoke so powerfully to our church, I have struggled but tried to put words to what it means for us as a body as we move deeper into God's heart. These blog entries have been part of that process.

I will conclude with one more quote, but before I do I would like to make an appeal to those who have been reading to help me with something. In September I will teach a series called "Into the River." This series will build on many of the themes we have been exploring throughout this blog, the book, and the many conversations.

The help that i am asking for is to get a better sense of where those in our body are at as they relate to this topic and this direction we have been taking. Specifically, here are some questions that i have been wondering, but do not necessarily have a clear sense of:
  • What is the posture people feel towards this shift we are trying to move towards?
  • What are the fears that they are feeling as we move in this direction?
  • What questions do they have that they wish would be addressed as we move in this direction?
If you have thoughts on any of those questions it would be really helpful for me to hear from you. I am guessing that answering them on the blog feels too public for many of you, so instead i am asking that you would consider sending an email response to

It would be really helpful for the preparation of our next series if you could...

Now for one last quote from "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" (p153):
“God will manifest himself in direct proportion to our passion for him. The principle he laid down long ago is still true. ‘You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart’ (Jeremiah 29.13).”

There is a mysterious interaction between God's pursuit of us and our response to Him, and I won't even try to define where i think one starts and the other ends. But it is helpful to always come back front and center to what we know for sure, and these words spoken to Jeremiah are reiterated in one form or another all throughout Scripture.

When we seek God with all of our heart - when we burn with passion for who He is and what He means to us - we are guaranteed to find Him. The reverse, of course, is true as well. If we are uninterested, apathetic, or even avoiding God's presence and power, we will not find Him.

So the final question i ask on this blog will not likely be considered profound, but it is so imporant:

How badly do we want God?

As the months roll on this is what i believe is the most important indicator in this journey. Are we growing in desire for who He is? Do we long to reflect the heart and character of God in our own lives? Are we growing in dependence on Him? Are we increasing the level of submission to God? Are we more aware of our sin and faster to repent? Are we seeking him with all of our hearts?

Thank you again for coming on this journey with us this summer. May you continue to pursue the heart of God with all your being, just as He is pursuing you with all of His.


Daniel Hill
Senior Pastor, River City Community Church


Anonymous said...

First, I just want to say how much I have personally appreciated the journey of reading through FWFF. The topics discussed in the book and blog have been an incredible and timely challenge for me and my bible study group. We have searched for and met God in greatly needed ways. I am excited and encouraged for what God can do, if I am willing to seek after Hiim.

I also wanted to say thank you Daniel for your level of interaction, commitment, and wisdom during this summer's journey. I have never felt more encouraged and committed to the direction that River City is going. We will have our struggles, but I believe that you have in mind the things of God and are genuinely seeking to lead River City with Godly humility.

Finally, in response to this last blog. I went through a really dark period over the last year and a half. During the last six months of that period I cried out to God to meet me, heal me, and renew our relationship. I have never felt more of a desire to be restored in my relationship with Him.

God however, seemed strangely silent during most of those months. At first, I was frustrated and discouraged. How can God be "silent" and yet faithful? Slowly, I started noticing little hints of enouragement through song, acquaintances, and Bible study. There was no single avalanche moment but God started to reveal himself again.

I am only starting to appreciate the journey that he brought me through. This may have been the first time that I felt myself have to answer the question: Do I desire an uninhibited relationship with God or merely a comfortable relationship with him that is based solely on my feeling the need to be involved in something bigger than myself. It has taken over six months to wrestle with this "moment of truth." The fight has been worth it, the treasure has been unquestionably worth the rocky journey, and my God, whether in silence or dialog has proven to be the savior that I need.

--Daniel Hill said...


Thank you so much for that heartfelt and vulnerable excerpt. It warmed my heart!